Transparency and Salary Equality Report

In compliance with law No. 14,611/2023, we hereby make public the access to the salary transparency report provided by the Ministry of Labor.

This report has been prepared and unilaterally disclosed by the Federal Government’s Ministry of Labor and Employment, using information from the 2022 e-Social database. However, it is important to note that the methodology used may not reflect the most current practices and may contain controversial and divergent information, and thus cannot be interpreted in isolation. 

The data contained in the reports are anonymous, in accordance with the General Data Protection Law – LGPD 13,709/2018. The information has been grouped by the Ministry of Labor and Employment according to the Major Groups of the CBO (Brazilian Classification of Occupations).


The Brazilian Classification of Occupations (CBO) is a system used in Brazil to organize and classify the various occupations existing in the labor market.

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